Chiropractic, Laser Lipo, Essential Oil Wellness Center

What is Chiropractic Care?

In technical terms, Chiropractic treatment is a form of health care that focuses o

n the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neuromusculoskeletal system disorders and the effects of these disorders on overall health and wellness.

Why Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic helps relieve pain, restore range of motion, improve your posture, reduce muscle spasms, and increase circulation while promoting health and wellness.  Structural health is an important part of living a healthy life, Structural health refers to your muscles, organs, spine and bones.  Simple things including normal activities such as sitting at a desk all day, picking up heavy objects, standing on your feet for several hours, accidents or unintentional injuries can negatively impact your body

Chiropractic Care for a Healthy Back

Good spinal health is the key to an active and robust life.  The spine not only holds you up and helps you move through your day, it, along with the brain, houses the central nervous system. If the spine is functioning well, the nervous system follows suit.  Balance in this area of the body leads to a modulated response to stress, less anxiety, more energy, better sleep and a healthier outlook on life.

Why Chiropractic Care with Dr. Smola?

Patients are evaluated at each visit, and treated on that day.  Adjustments are effective but gentle and combined with therapeutic modalities to facilitate ease of movement and increase the body’s natural ability to heal.

As a Hannibal chiropractor, Dr. Smola is friendly and approachable. He focuses on pain management and improving function while having fun doing it.  He believes that as a patient, you should enjoy coming to treatment and most importantly the benefits after treatment.  Patient education is very important to Dr. Smola, that’s why he takes the extra time to ensure that as one of his patients, you fully understand the nature of your injury and how the treatment will help.